Monday, February 29, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue Number 4

Not Finished Yet
Rewards created for good attendance raises questions
A new law in Texas requires that a student should attend every class for at least 90% of the days to receive credit. In order to entourage students to come to school, Bowie has come up with certain incentives. Most people feel that these incentives are a benefit to very student, but that the school mainly wants students to attend school so they can save money. 
Who? Bowie students and AISD 
What? Incentives to get students to attend school 
Where?Bowie High School
Why? To raise attendance rates
How? The incentives will encourage students and make them want to come to school.
Who was quoted in the story?  Grace Little, Madi Little, Mason Kendrick, Ruth Widner, Lauryn Kendrick, 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I think the school's decision[for the incentives] was definitely influenced by money." 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes, because the lead sentence introduced a topic that is relevant to me.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? a quote
Tarzan brings STC to new heights
This year's mural at Bowie High School was Tarzan. The show required a lot of time, handwork, and dedication from about 70 students. The family friendly show was enjoyed by all age groups and was one of Bowie's most successful shows. 
Who?The Starlight Theatre Company
What? Tarzan the musical
Where? James Bowie High School
When? Mid-January 
Why? To entertain the students of Bowie High School, and as well as other audience members. Also to gain exposure of what a musical is like.
How? This show required a lot of strength and stamina so it brought the students to thespians achievements.
Who was quoted in the story?Eryn Northcutt, Emma Haschke, Jackson Walker, Austin Hyde, Juliana Davis, Betsy Cornwell, 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I couldn't have wished for a better last musical, because it taught me to believe in myself and it'll always have a special place in my heart."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes, because I am in theatre and I love the Disney as well
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? quote
Leading theatre performers to stardom
The Starlight Theatre Company gives seniors the opportunity to audition and become senior directors. Miguel Lozano, the president of the STC and a senior director, is one director who has achieved many heights as an actor in the company. His handwork, passion, and experiences make him admired by his peers.
Who? Miguel Lozano
What? Senior Directing and is the STC president
Where? Bowie High School
When? 2015-2016 school year
Why? To gain experiences and be more involved in the theatre program, because this is his passion.
How? He applied to be a senior director and was voted the president. He motivates people by always trying his best in every theatre related opportunity. 
Who was quoted in the story?
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
John Graff wins teacher of the year
The 2015-2016 teacher of the year at Bowie High School is John Graff. He won because of his fellow staff members voted for him. This accomplishment made him feel grateful and honorable. 
Who?John Graff
What? Won teacher of the year
Where? Bowie High School
When? 2015-2016 school year
Why? He was an outstanding teacher
How? Staff members voted for him
Who was quoted in the story?
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
Questions arise as Avery is changed for murder
Netflix has introduces a 10-hour series documentary that encompasses the details of Avery being accused of murder, being wrongly accused, and then being accused for another murder, The show is called "Making a Murder" and currently hold many high ratings. The series is very thorough and grips the viewer until the very end, leaving them puzzled. 
Who? Steven Avery 
What? a documentary about Avery and the details of his trial and all the evidence 
When? 2015
Why? To inform the public about the details considered in this trial, and all the evidence.
Who was quoted in the story?
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
Sophomore black belt fights her way to a top ranking
Lily Ang, a sophomore, became a rank one black belt at the age of 15. This achievement in martial arts is very prideful, as it represents the dedication and accomplishments of many goals over a large span of years. Martial Arts has taught Aung to be hardworking, patience, and mentally as well as physically stable. 
Who? Lily Ang
What? She recieved rank one black belt
Where? Kuk Sool Won
When? 2015
Why? She accomplished all the components required to receive the honor
How? She worked hard for many years so achieve this goal.
Who was quoted in the story? Riley Murphy, Lily Ang
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
Silver stars continue to practice throughout the year 
Being on the Silver Stars means dedication year round. The team competes in competitions during the spring and to prepare they have rigorous training. The precision, energy, and stamina in every dance is different and requires much effort when preparing for competitions. 
Who? Silver Stars
What? The upcoming competitions
Where? Bowie High School
When? Earlier this month
Who was quoted in the story?
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper?
1A. Why is this your favorite?
1B. What rules of photo composition are evident?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Intro to Newspaper Design

  1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? My favorite newspaper is Carroll County Times because I like the colors of the photographs contrasted with the white.
  2. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? My favorite headline is "Rollin in the 'Doh'" and I am interested in it because I like the pun they used to the Adele song, and it grabbed my attention with the headline.
  3. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? Six stories are in the cover.
  4. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc. There is usually one large photo and a few smaller photos. There will be a main headline, a barcode, and page numbers for the articles that begin on the front cover but do not finish. 
  5. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc. The color scheme, photos, headlines(name and size), the size of the photos, the number of photos and stories, as well as the fonts used.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Extra Credit


    The intention of the website is to provide pictures of everyday events around the world to give people visuals to understand the current events more thoroughly. The website provides detailed essays that go along with the photos that they publish on their website. The essays give people information about the event that occurred and the picture with it allows people to contemplate exactly what happened. This is really useful and I think effective because the photo can engage people and help them learn about what happened even if they don’t have time to read the whole essay. An average viewer can get a daily dose of world news from that day by going to the Lens website. I would add this website to my bookmarks because I enjoy learning about the world, but a lot of times I am unable to remember to read current events or I don’t have enough time to read long articles, so going to Lens would allow me to learn about what happened by looking at the photo and reading the short descriptions that they supply, besides the essay. I would recommend this website to anyone who enjoys learning about current events, or really anyone because I think it is important that people know what goes on in the world. Many people are unaware of the hardships that other countries face, and the circumstances that people live in. Seeing pictures of everyday events can be really eye opening and inspiring. I will try to start using this website. I would rate this website a 8 out of 10 for the concept and because I think the content is really interesting, but I think that they website layout could be better, more engaging.

     I really like this photo and choose to share it for its visual appeal. The photo portrays depth and rule of thirds because the road is the subject and it is in one third of the image, based on the horizontal rule of thirds.  I also like the essay that goes along with the picture. The story is very interesting. It is about a man names Mr. Astrada and he has been a photojournalist for 20 years. The essay is about how he has been traveling the world on a motorcycle with a camera. When he started he didn’t even know how to ride a motorcycle nor did he have much money. However he wanted to travel the world to capture the daily lives of people in countries all over the world. I feel like the photo really captures the essence of his journey because the road looks like it never ends, kind of like his journey to show people the places and people of the world. His story is very inspiring, how he left without much in his pocket and managed to make the best of what he had. He also followed his heart as a photojournalist and is traveling the world instead of working for an agency.