Friday, February 12, 2016

Extra Credit


    The intention of the website is to provide pictures of everyday events around the world to give people visuals to understand the current events more thoroughly. The website provides detailed essays that go along with the photos that they publish on their website. The essays give people information about the event that occurred and the picture with it allows people to contemplate exactly what happened. This is really useful and I think effective because the photo can engage people and help them learn about what happened even if they don’t have time to read the whole essay. An average viewer can get a daily dose of world news from that day by going to the Lens website. I would add this website to my bookmarks because I enjoy learning about the world, but a lot of times I am unable to remember to read current events or I don’t have enough time to read long articles, so going to Lens would allow me to learn about what happened by looking at the photo and reading the short descriptions that they supply, besides the essay. I would recommend this website to anyone who enjoys learning about current events, or really anyone because I think it is important that people know what goes on in the world. Many people are unaware of the hardships that other countries face, and the circumstances that people live in. Seeing pictures of everyday events can be really eye opening and inspiring. I will try to start using this website. I would rate this website a 8 out of 10 for the concept and because I think the content is really interesting, but I think that they website layout could be better, more engaging.

     I really like this photo and choose to share it for its visual appeal. The photo portrays depth and rule of thirds because the road is the subject and it is in one third of the image, based on the horizontal rule of thirds.  I also like the essay that goes along with the picture. The story is very interesting. It is about a man names Mr. Astrada and he has been a photojournalist for 20 years. The essay is about how he has been traveling the world on a motorcycle with a camera. When he started he didn’t even know how to ride a motorcycle nor did he have much money. However he wanted to travel the world to capture the daily lives of people in countries all over the world. I feel like the photo really captures the essence of his journey because the road looks like it never ends, kind of like his journey to show people the places and people of the world. His story is very inspiring, how he left without much in his pocket and managed to make the best of what he had. He also followed his heart as a photojournalist and is traveling the world instead of working for an agency.

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