Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics Part 1 and 2

Part 1:
1. Editing a photo to be published in a daily newspaper can be a terminal offense in some places. Committing the offense can cause one to get fired, and removal of photos from all published accounts as well as the omission of public access to their photos. Many of the photos that are edited are used to prove a point, like adding more missiles to an image in order to emphasize a more traumatic emotion to the viewer or replacing women with men in a photo to make men seem like they are more important or powerful.

2. I think this type of photo editing is unethical because as a photographer for a newspaper, it is their job to show people the real world and what goes on. By editing photos they are showing false realities and the newspaper will contain a photo that tells a lie. The photo issued by Sepah News with a four missiles instead of three is unethical because it gives off the message that essentially they sent one more missile which can make others think that Iran is aggressive by sending more four bombs. Even if the edit is done to make the subject look more appealing it is still unethical because the photo conceals the reality from the viewer.

Part 2:
   I believe that this photo was the most unethical because it completely changes the meaning of the photo. In the original the soldier looks like he is pointing his gun at the man standing up, while this one makes it look like the soldier is backing his gun away from the man. This is unethical because it makes the soldier look nicer than in the original picture, which takes away from the meaning that the original photo gave off.

   I believe that this photo is the least unethical because to me is doesn't take away from the meaning of the photo. The edit simply makes the subject's teeth look healthier and more appealing. The couple still seems happy and friendly in both versions.

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