Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos of your first 4 prompts (Square, Metal, Happy, Bowie)
1. A challenge I encountered while shooting was trying to get distractions out of the image. Some of the distractions were other people coming into photo by accident or things like trashcans and lockers, or other things on the walls of Bowie. I was a challenge to try and get lockers out of my image because I can't move the locker so I have to move myself, but sometimes the image looked better from my previous position.
2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.
I found myself often thinking about how I could frame the image because Bowie has so many frames throughout the building as well as lines. To correctly frame my subject for a photo I would take the same picture from different angles and different zoom features so I could capture the subject in the frame properly.
3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?
If I could do this assignment again I would think more before I took a picture because some of my images weren't as straight and balanced as I would have likes them to be. More thinking would have also allowed me to capture more rules and correctly portray them rather than just taking the image.
4. What things would you do the same?
The thing I would do the same would be how I took multiples of the same image from different angles because that gave me a variation of of the same photo so I could choose the best angle.
5. Are you interested in shooting those same prompts again, why
Yes, I am interested in shooting the same prompts again because now that I've seen all the photos I took and have been able to understand them I can properly I know what to correct and what to look for when I take pictures.

   I really liked Madison's pictures, there were unique in my opinion because I didn't like to photograph any of the subjects that she did. My favorite photo was her metal photo, because the metal chain was in the center but the shadow wasn't so it created symmetrical balance vertically, but asymmetrical balance horizontally. All in all it was visually appealing. I also like her square photo a lot because again it was something I didn't think to photograph and the picture exemplified the rule of lines because my eyes were draw into the image with the line that the tiles created.

   I think she could have improved on the Bowie photo, because although it was a cool subject to take a photo of, the camera itself wasn't aligned properly with the subject before taking the picture. The crack between the grey concrete and the brownish concrete is very distracting so maybe the image was taken from higher but the whole square could be seen with an even border around it. The image also could have been taken at an angle similar to the way she took the square photo except from the ground.

I really liked her pictures though, they were different and gave me more insight on how creatively I can choose my subject to make my photos stand out like some of hers did to me.

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