Thursday, December 17, 2015

Extra Credit for Final

1. Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo. 
The man who was killed by the subway was trying to stop a another man from harassing people at the station. the harasser pushed Ki Suk Han onto the train tracks which ed to his eventual death. The photographer was able to capture the photo because he too was there while at the train station at the ams time, watching what was happening.2. Why did the photographer say he took the photo? 
He was supposedly trying to help Han get off the tracks, but when he couldn't he tried to warn the train conductor by using his camera flash. He ran to get the train operator attention, but his attempt failed.
3. Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?
No, I do not think that the photographer should have taken the photo because the man was clearly about to die, and instead of helping him as doing his job as a human, he did his job as a photographer. 4. Do you think the photographer did the best thing he could have done in this situation? Why or why not?
The photographer did not do the best thing he could have done, because there's no way the train operator would have been alerted by the camera's flash. He should have made more of an effort to help the man, but instead he took a photo of a dying man.
5. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not.
No I do not agree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of a newspaper, because his loved ones could see this photo; his spouse, children, parent, friends. They would be deeply hurt and emotionally scarred seeing Han seconds before he was about to die.
6. What is more important to a photojournalist, capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Why or why not?
I think it is more important to a photojournalist to capture images of life as it happens because that is what they have been taught as a journalist. They aren't supped to let heir emotions get in the way, so there moral values aren't as important to them as showing the world images of reality.7. Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photographs? Explain why or why not.
Yes I do think it is ethically acceptable for them to get involved and help people in danger, because they are also humans with moral values that should have some importance to them. As a photojournalist they may lose an opportunity, but to me it is better to try and help someone, than to simply photograph an incident.8. Should photojournalists always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer. 
No, they should help situations that they can. If someone is being harassed in front of them they should help out rather than just take a picture, unless they are trying to get a crime reported. But if someone is clearly about to die in front of them, and if they made some sort of an effort the person could live, then the photojournalist should get involved.9. After reading the responses from the professional photographers, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.
I think that the most appropriate response for a photographer to do in this situation is to try and get some help, because you could save a dying man from death by helping out the person. But by not helping him, you are only encouraging and accepting the death.

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