Wednesday, January 6, 2016

welcome back


   I really like this photo because of all the different aspects of a poor man that it shows. I can see he doesn't have a home, proper clothes, he's so skinny that he looks like he is facing malnutrition. The photo puts emphasis on the reality that many people in New Delhi face.


   This picture is one of my favorites because of how amazing it looks. The photo is shoot while the man is running and caught midair. It's different then all the other images, and looks like it hold belong in an action film.


   The intercity captured in this picture makes it one of my favorites. The women s shedding tears for the three muslim students killed by a man and in today's society this photo is an everyday reality. Countless innocents are killed and this photo conveys the affect it has on loved ones.

part 2- 

1. Hello by Adele

   I think Hello by Adele was the best song of 2015 because its popularity spread like fire and it made a big impact on everyone. This song did so well because it was Adele's first single for her new album after she spent so many years resting and redeveloping her voice. I like it a lot because I love Adele's voice and her lyrics are meaningful and soulful which I love. Another reason the song was the best was because it instantly topped the music charts and brought Adele back into the limelight.

2. Inside Out

   I believe that Inside Out was the best movie of the year because of the message behind the movie for children and really everyone. The movie taught viewers that as you grow up and life changes around you, it is ok to feel different emotions and that sadness bring the light of happiness. The movie was very inspirational, but also had great graphic and had an amazing childlike interpretation of the human mind. 
3. Charlie Hebdo- Terror Attack

    I believe that this is the most important new article of 2015 because this was the first terror attack in 2015 that had a huge impact on everyone. The attack lasted almost 3 days and was largely publicized all over social media which made it more known than other terror attacks. 

4. Most Important Person of 2015- Black Lives Matter Activists

I believe that they're the most important in 2015 because many of them have been attacked this year for no reason. Many innocent African American lives were lost and America needs people to advocate for them. Their voice needs to be heard, so what these activists are doing is very important.

5. Biggest Entertainment Story of 2015- Miss Universe

In my opinion the Miss Universe story was the biggest of the year, because it attracted many people and was the subject of social media for a long time. This was the first time that the wrong winner's name had been called out, so it was a big deal. In the end Miss Philippines won, although initially Mis Columbia's name was called out.

1. Over the break I hung out with my friends, and we went ice skating. I didn't fall but I was really scared the whole time because I'm not very good.

2.  For 2016 I want to start keeping a journal so that I can reflect on my day and improve myself on a personal and social level.

3.  In 2016 I look forward to new adventures, a happy life,  and accomplishing my goals for the year.

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