Monday, January 25, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

1. name of school on cover
2. year of school on cover
3. volume of yearbook on book rind
4. school symbol, mascot, or eye catching picture on cover
5. table of contents
6. headlines on every page
7. picture of every student towards the back
8. the student name corresponding with the picture
9. photo credits
10. index in the back
11. theme for the spreads
12. staff section
13. page numbers
14. club pictures
15. fine arts section
16. sports section
17. school address/ information
18. sponsors page/ advertisements
19. school motto
20. personal stories/ advice
21. student beliefs
22. senior dedication section
23. quotes from students
24. color theme
25. introductions for each class before pictures( freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors)

1. Our Lives Our stories
2. Mary Carroll High school
3. The color scheme of blue, silver, and gray are present through out the whole book.
4. 6 sections
5. My favorite spread is the fine arts one, titled "In the Spotlight"
6. Yes, there is an index.
7. Yes there are photos of clubs, and organizations.
8. Yes there is a table of contents
9. 2376 students
10. Texas

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