Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

1a. Travis Haughton
1b. sports and stories
1c. mergers, some photos look set up, pictures of signs, too many children photos
1d.The judge likes the first photo and how it wasn't staged-candid.
1e. The photographer is still an amateur because he had many basic mistakes. I liked their theme of children but I didn't like most of the photos.

1a. Melissa Golden
1c. out of focus, frame is too small, too cluttered
1d. portrait of man, children playing baseball
1e. I thought many of her pictures were nice, especially her portraits, but the judges thought her photos were hysterical.

1a. Nick Adams
1b. photoj, sports, artistic
1c. out of focus, photo of children with disabilities is redundant, head gets cut off
1d.boldness of the first photo, silhouettes
1e. I like the artistic/graphical photos the photographer took. I liked most of the photographers photos.

2a. The judges liked how the photographer was in the middle of the action, the photos were clean, mostly in focus, and shot from good angles.
2b. I think the photographers strength was being able to capture the moment from a close distance and a weakness was going overboard on photoshop for one picture.

3a. The judges go through the top portfolios and view them overall. They pick a photographer who had clean and majorly good photos. When it comes down to the last two they see which portfolio worked the best and was not redundant.

1.I agree with the eight picture story portfolio in part 4, about the boy who works with greyhounds. The judges and I like the pictures because they tell a great story, without confusing the viewer. The story was told well.

2. In the first photo in part one the judges say that there is nothing to the photo, which I disagree with.  I think that the photo looks very interesting with the blurred road and the vibrancy of the red car.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Student of the Month// My First Interview

1. How active are you in school clubs compared to your competitors?
Hardly have any free time, I'm constantly involved in activities.
2. What extra curricular activities do you participate in?
I'm part of GSA, Gay Straight Association, and band. I play percussion in band. 
3. How long have you been completing those activities?
I've been participating in those activities since the beginning of the year, fall of 2015.
4. What made your teacher nominate/pick you?
I'm very outspoken and helpful in class. As well as that I do my work on time and pay attention in class.
5. How have students reacted to your win?
Many people congratulated me, but many were also snarky because they were jealous. I think they had also applied.
6. What makes you stand out as a student among your peers?
I'm smarter in my decision-making, than most of my peers. I also pick up directions very well.
7. What are your passions in school?
My passions are art, music, and animals. They help me stay calm and express myself.
8. What are you passions outside of school?
I like to practice volleyball as well as going on adventures, and visiting new places.
9. How supportive are your parents in the decisions you make?
They are pretty supportive towards my decisions, but at times they do disagree. Most of the time they believe in me.
10. What are the benefits of achieving this title?
I think it would look good on college applications, I also get a lot of respect from my peers.
11. What are the disadvantages of achieving this title?
Some people think I am a teachers pet, and that I am a goody-goody. Others get jealous and are rude to me.
12. How did you prepare yourself to be capable to win this title?
I practice writing essays and keep track of my achievements, academically. 
13. What are the best clubs to participate in?
The best clubs are HOSA, Science Club, and Key Club.
14. How often do you volunteer?
I volunteer every other weekend, at Austin Pets Alive. I play with dogs and help around.
15. What are your opinions on having a job while being in school?
It's good to get a job that fit a school schedule, so that there is still time to attend school and do homework.
16. How can you volunteer at help you to gain experience?
Places like APA and hospitals are allow you to interact with people and tai social experience.
17. What are good summer opportunities for students your age to get involved with the community?
Volunteering at hospitals and the library can be a good way to be involved with the community.
18. How advantageous are summer classes versus classes during the school year?
IT is pretty good, because it gives you more time to focus on the one specific subject rather than 8 classes. But it is bad because you have to do hard work over the summer.
19. How does this title make you feel and why?
The title makes me feel good about myself, but I'm glad that it's only "Student of the Month" because it relieved me of too much pressure.
20. What leadership qualities do you have?
The qualities I have are patience, foresight, and an upbeat and positive attitude." 

Interview Assignment 1// School Uniforms

1. teacher, student, administrator
1. What are your views on the uniform policy?
2. How supportive are all the schools in the district on this situation?
3. What are ways that the school could inform proper dress code, without creating a uniform?
4. Who are the main supporters of this decision and why?
5. How will students react once the policy is in place?
6. What kinds of consequences will arise if people do not wear the uniform?
7. How cost effective are the school uniforms?
8. What are alternative options to buying a uniform for the students who cannot afford it?
9. How can the uniforms avoid being gender subjective?
10. What are the advantages to having a uniform?
11. What are the disadvantages to having a uniform?
12. How will this policy change along the years, depending on good behavior from students?
13. How will the uniform impact a teacher's required dress code?
14. What are alternative options for students who feel uncomfortable in the uniform?
15. How has the district taken into account every family's culture differences in appropriate attire?
16. If there was a uniform in the past, how successful was the policy?
17. How supportive are the parents of the uniforms?
18. What are the difference win uniform opinions between boys and girls?
19. What is the reason for the uniform policy?
20. How long does the district plan on keeping the policy?

Architecture Shoot






Monday, March 21, 2016

Action Shoot

Bella L., a sophomore at James Bowie High School, runs towards the camera with her arms folded. She was very cold because it had just rained before her class went outside.

Running across the courtyard, Bella L. laughs at herself. She was embarrassed that she had to run while people were watching her.

Another Bowie student, Haley Peck, runs through the academia building doors into the courtyard. She had been working on an assignment for her 8th period class. 

Peck gazes into the camera waiting for school to be over. It was the first day back from break, and she was exhausted.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Warmup and Architecture Preview

I agree with this statement. I think that people like to surround themselves with things that make them comfortable and attribute to their personality, and define their environment by those things, as opposed to the space itself. As a photographer, it makes me want to capture the essence of what define's people, and their atmosphere. It gives unique ideas for shoots. 

The picture were neat to look at and I would definitely want to take photos of it. At the same time though, all the doll head were a little creepy. 

I think it would be a dream come true to be the child of someone who worked at this place. The children would get to play with all the open toys and be the first to play with the new toys.

My favorite photo was the photo with all the flowers. There is a lady with her back to the camera,crossing her legs at her desk. The desk is in the center. The three walls surrounding her are covered in beautiful flowers and foliage of all different colors.

Architecture Preview:

La Pedrera, Spain
1. Antoini Gaudi
2. December 1910
3. Barcelona, Spain
4. You can visit it.
5. no
6. It was built for the owners, residential building
7. I picked this building for its interesting shape. The building lures the viewer in to keep staring at the architecture. The building has a lot of history as it was built in the early 1990s and has a lot of interesting background information. The owners were married, but supposedly the husband just wanted the recently widowed Roser's money. The building is so enticing, that I chose it because I think it would be a nice place to visit, and take photos of.

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
1.Collin Fournir and Peter Cook
2. 2003
3. Graz, Austria
4. You can visit it.
5.$50 million 
6. Build for a European Capital of Culture celebration.
7. I picked this building because of the modern appeal it gives. The futuristic shape makes it look like a submarine or an army weapon/tank. It is neat to see different shaded buildings because they require a lot more creative attention, than regular rectangular buildings do. I would love to visit the building and see if the inside is just as unique as the outside

Burj Al Arab, UAE
1. Tom Wright
2. 1999
3. Dubai, UAE
4.  public building 
5. $2 billion
6. Built as a beach hotel.
7. I really like this building. It is very intriguing, not only outside but inside too. It has a luxurious appeal that is different from many of the other buildings on the list we were given. The building is like a dream. It looks just like a palace on the inside, but very modern and futuristic on the outside. I chose this building because it would be an amazing site to take photos on, but also wonderful to visit for fun.

Habitat 67
1. Moshe Safdie
2. 1967
3. Montreal, Canada
4. residential building, apartment
5. C$140,000 per unit
6. Design for a the is project in architecture school
7. I chose this building because of the shape. The architect followed the style of a normal boxy building, but decided to make his design unique by rearranging the squares and rectangles to create a masterpiece. The building would be fun to live in for a while, but I don't like the modern take on housing as much, I prefer the traditional style. But I chose the photo, but it is much more interesting to look at, than a regular home.

Stone House, Portugal 
1. name unknown, from Guirmaraes
2. 1974
3. Northern Portugal
4. public building now, museum 
5. unknown
6. Built as a home for the owner's as a holiday destination
7. The stone house is incredible. To me the point of the house that no matter where you live, the beauty of nature is always more important. It reminds of the beauty of nature and the breathtaking views she gives us. Although I would never want to live there, it would be cool to see it in person.


1. Why is this part of a winning sports photography portfolio?
A sports tradition is to pour the sports drink in the cooler onto the coach, so it is necessary to capture the moment.
2. What is the shutter speed?
The shutter speed needs to be high because the drink will be moving at a fast speed.
3. Is this a key moment?
No because everyone knows that this is a tradition in football.
4. Could this have been planned?
5.  What advanced techniques are present in the photo?
The techniques of proper timing, shutter speed, and aperture.