Friday, November 6, 2015

American Soldier- Photos Make History

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
I think that the picture with Ian Fisher and two other men sitting on a bed hugging is the most powerful image. i think this because you can see how their participation in the war has affected them. I can see one man looks like he is crying so they must be feeling some sort of pain like missing home. The image is sort of shows a soldier off duty.

Set 1- at home- Image #1 to Image #3
Set 2- basic training- Image #4 to Image #14
Set 3- in Iraq- Image #15 to Image #27
Image #28 he is back home in Denver

C. The set of images that was most powerful to me was set 3 with Ian Fisher in Iraq. It was interesting to see his life in Iraq during the war and what he goes through as a soldier. We get to see in through his mission and see how it affects him. In one picture he is really emotion and hugging two people and in another he looks rely exhausted. This just shows a variation of moods that he experiences while at war.

D. The images work together to tell a story because they begin with him as just an average person but then he goes to military school and the first step is shaving his head which it one big change. Next comes the rigorous training and then actually going to Iraq and experiencing everything that he does, and then finally coming home to family. The images are chronological so they convey his journey which is why without one the story would be incomplete.

E. The verbs are usually written in present tense.

F. The captions enhanced the photos giving insight on the meaning behind the photos. They explained  who the people in the photos were, what their relationship was to Ian and also told about how Ian was feeling when the photo was taken.

G. Ian Fisher wanted to join the army since  before he graduated high school. He applied for military school and began training. His training was difficult but he pushed through and passed military school. On his journey as a soldier in Iraq, he got frustrated often and was implosive in his decision making. He even dropped in rank, but eventually regained it through a test. After his year in Iraq was completed, he came home and married his girlfriend.

Extra Credit: 
1. Ian Fisher wanted to join the military to fight for his country and add to the family name. The training was very hard on him physical, especially because he had to deal with a childhood injury. After being deployed he was very implosive still because of his lack of discipline. Throughout all of this Ian was very keen on marrying his girlfriend Kayla and then Kristen, but neither of them worked out. While in the military Ian began to mature and on a visit home he had changed physically and emotionally. He began to date Devin, whom he met at a party after his year in Iraq was compete, Ian and Devin get married.
2. Ian's motivations for joining the army were to fight for his country, point his life in a productive directions, and add to the family legacy.
3. During his basic training he encountered trouble with an injury that he had as a child that could get him disqualified from the military. He also struggled to mer the physical demands.
4.  Before the military Ian was very implosive which came back to bite him as he got frustrated a lot and didn't follow the rules as well as his constant failure to cooperate. All of these things put him at the risk of being kicked out of the military.
5. When Ian came home on a mid-tour break, his family and friends noticed how much he had matured. Ian also had to buy all new clothes because he had become bulkier than before. Also he began dating Devin, and got matching tattoos with his best friend, Buddha.
6. Iraq changed Ian by disciplining him. Ian became more mature and a stronger person physically and emotionally.

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