Friday, November 13, 2015

Love and Loss Warmup

1. As I worked my way through these images I felt an overwhelming wave of grief. I felt sorrow for the women but especially her husband. It is unimaginable how her death must make him feel. I felt my heart sink the further down I would scroll. The images not only showed her journey with cancer, but her journey with cancer alongside her husband.

2. I think this comment means that the photos taken are not what their relationship was like, it doesn't portray their life exactly, but rather shows a part of their life so the images are still them. I think that this comment helps me understand the photos in a deeper sense.

3. I don't think that I could shoot photos like these, if I was in a similar situation because I am a very emotional person so I probably wouldn't be able to contain my feelings. I think I would be too sad to take meaningful photos. I also wouldn't have the courage to look at them after the death of my subject.

4. If I could write a letter to Angelo I would ask him how he managed to bring himself to take these pictures and look at them after his wife's death. I want to know this because his situation is very depressing to think about, and these pictures probably remind him of his wife. 

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