Friday, April 29, 2016

HDR Photography

1. You will need to change the aperture and shutter speed, and take the same photo with differ exposure photos. Then using software the photos will be mashed together and blend the photos creating a better picture, with better focus and light.
2. A camera, a tripod, and HDR photo-blending software.
3. When the subject exceed the dynamic range of the camera.
4. HDR techniques allow both ends of the light spectrum to be seen in the photo, which we wouldn't have seen without the HDR software.

Adobe Illustrator

Final Exam Planning Warmup

1. I will shoot this assignment some time before May 20th.
2. I will most likely be shooting this at my house.
3. I will be documenting a food recipe, or some type of How To, most likely.
4. I will probably only need a camera to get the assignment done.
5. I will use still pictures for ingredients and different processes. while the food is actually cooking I will take videos, I will narrate the addition of new ingredients and the steps to the recipe.

Monday, April 25, 2016

iMovie Preview

A. The first website featured a women explaining how to create an iMovie. She explained all the tools and how to put together the video. Along with that she mentioned different ways to get the same results, for example different ways to play the video. 
The women in the video showed how to added photos to the timeline, as well as how to delete the photos. She also showed how to rearrange clips, and how to make clips shorter. Going to the editing mode allows the user to use different special effects and that to share the video with other people, it must be exported to QuickTime Movie. 
B. The second website was a written description on how to use iMovie. The writer included PDFs and links to different tutorials. There were introductions, importing clips, adding music, sounds and media.
The writer included visuals as well as a written How To. The writer also included videos on creative tools to use to make movies. The tutorial is sufficient enough for a beginner movie maker. 

2.) Tell me one thing that you already knew about iMovie that the website explained
A. I knew that I would have to export the movie to QuickTime Movie to share it with others. 
B. I already knew how to import videos into iMovie. 
3.) Tell me one thing that you learned new today that you didn’t know before.
A. I learned that adding footage to the timeline is as simple as dragging and dropping from the bin. 
B. I learned how to add sound and transitions to iMovie. 

4.) What are you concerned about with this final project?
I am concerned with putting together the final product and not having smooth transitions. 

5.) What are you confident you can complete early and have ready to use?
I am confident I can have the pictures ready before hand and have the animation ready before the final day. I do not want to spend more than 30 minutes in class on the day of the final. 

6.) If I asked you today, what do you think you will do for your video?
I think that I will do a cooking video because it is something I could shoot easily since my family cooks a lot. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Opinions Story

     An unfortunate tragedy has occurred at the University of Texas. A young, 18-year-old named Haruka Weiser was killed on her way back to her dorm on April 3. She was reported missing and her body was found in a creek on campus, on April 5th. 

     The recent event at the University of Texas has brought to light a very underemphasized issue of student safety on campus. Student safety is always at risk, especially at a campus that is so close to the many dangerous areas.

     I always hear about crimes on campus’s in other cities, but when it occurs so close to home in a place where my friends go to school, the intensity and fear rises in my mind, as is probably does for many people.

     Crimes like this highlight the closeness of the community, however if the community can come together beforehand and work as a group to be safer and take extra precaution then lives can be saved.

     Many people have a misconception that walking around campus alone at any time of the day can be safe. However, with new gun laws signed by governor Greg Abbott anyone can carry a gun or concealed weapon on campus, which endangers lives. This law is known as "campus carry". 

     The fact that something this horrific can happen to a student for no reason comes to how the lack of proper security on campus. After this incident, the police presence on campus has increased drastically. 

     UT as well as many other colleges and universities have volunteer systems where people can voluntarily walk with each other to and from class. This is a great way be safe, feel safe, and still be able to travel around the campus.

     Students clearly feel safe using the system because the user rates have shot up since Weiser's body was found. I would enforce that people at least walk with a friend or peer because that can save their life.

     Some will argue that the campus is safe and that there is no need for protection, while others may believe that this type of incident could never happen to them. In my opinion there is no harm in caring for your life. It shows integrity and courage to understand the possibility of crime on campus and to take action against it. 

     Safety is always the number one priority, so I think that people should do their part to protect themselves. I want people to know about the ways that they can protect themselves, and that it is ok to rely on others for protection. It is not always a weakness to rely on others.

Friday, April 15, 2016

SNO Online Papers

1. Johnny Morreale 
2. The writer's view on the AP exam and what people should expect and suggestions to do well in the class.
3. "A teacher’s job is to help you learn, not to present you with impossible information and let you fail. If you don’t go in for tutoring when you’re struggling with a topic, you’re digging your own grave."
4. yes
5. No they stuck firm to their opinion.
6. no
7. 2nd person

1. Alaina Galasso
2. The theatre program at Vanderbilt High School has added a senior directing program.
3. "At first I was terrified at the prospect of having to teach other how to act, which I something I can’t do myself, but then I decided that maybe doing just that would make me a better technician. "
4. yes
5. No, they stated their opinion clearly by sticking to one point and not going back and forth.
6. no
7. 1st person

1. Jude Benham
2. A prime candidate for the Texas Board of Education is an blatant homophobic and Islamophobic.
3. "I should not have to express how rude and misinformed this statement is"
4. no
5. They were very clear on their opinion and did not differ from it at all.
6. yes
7. 1st and 3rd person

Personal Essays

1. Use a wide frame when writing so if people have never experienced the situation they can at least relate. 
2. Put the topic into context so that the reader can gain perception on a small and wide scale. 
3. Three Suggestions:
  • You don't need to use that many facts, ore opinions, but if you do they make sure that they are correct.
  • Hook the reader with a strong quote, question, a strong statement, or a metaphor. 
  • Write using all senses to convey ideas.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users
1. N/A
2. The FBI wanting to violate the privacy of all Apple Users by urging Apple to create a new software update so that the FBI can unlock a terrorist's phone.
3. "Here the rick isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."
4. no
5. No, because every circumstance was explained thoroughly and the writer made sure to only take one stance, in their note.
6. no
7. 3rd person in article and 1st in the "Editor's Note"

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school
1. Granger Coats
2. Students rights are being violated as they are being punished improperly for cases that aren't even felonies.
3."That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved only for severe cases such as students considered a theta to the school, the well-being of students, or themselves. "
4. Yes
5. No, they are firm with their opinion and make a clear statement.
6. yes
7. 1st person

Social media, back at it again
1. Alicia Molina
2. The editor talks about the "Damn Daniel" video clips and how they have affected people.
3. "I thought the video was funny but after a while it was starting to get annoying. "
4. yes
5. No, they make sure to address the topic with out wavering their opinion.
6. yes
7. 1st person

Beyonce causes controversy
1. Fuaad Ajaz
2. This editor brings to light the pop-star Beyonce and how her new song, Formation, regarding the "Black Lives Matter" movement, has received so much backlash.
3. " If someone goes and shoots up a movie theatre and they are white, they are labeled "Mentally ill" and if someone of color did the exact same thing, they are terrorists who receive the death penalty."
4. no
5. No, the editor stayed firm on his belief that people of color are always treated differently.
6. yes
7. 3rd person

Is the AP Word History test worth it?
1. Mia Barbosa
2. The article focuses on the benefits of the AP test and how cost effective it is.
3. "I think that more tests like this need to be offered to students so that way they can prepare for the future better and save money."
4. no
5. No, the editor didn't propose any other circumstances that would contradict their opinion.
6. no
7. 1st person

A. I think that major differences between a hard story and an opinion story is that there are less quotes from other people and more factual quotes from primary sources that support the writer's opinions, the writer can write in 1st person, and the paragraphs can be longer, versus short choppy paragraphs with less detail.
B. I don't think that there are many photos on this page because the writers are just stating their opinion through words, so images are not needed to support their opinion.
C. I think that it would be good to write a piece on the amount of money that sorts are given versus the fine arts at Bowie, unfair favoritism that the teachers, clubs, and organizations at Bowie do, and the murder of the dance student at UT and how college students and anyone in general can help protect themselves in legal ways.

Peer Review SoM
Paragraph: 50 points
5 Quotes: 25 points
Inverted Pyramid: 20 points
Extra Credit:10 points
Total: 105 points

Monday, April 11, 2016

Huntington Story

   Janice Jones was shot by her dog on her leg, on Wednesday at 10 pm on Beach Boulevard in Barstow, California. Her dog knocked down the handgun and the bullet was discharged when it hit the ground.
     She was treated at the Huntington Beach Hospital. The dog taken care of by the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers, who reported at the dog was malnourished. Jones is also being charged for other allegations that have been placed on her at the scene.  
     The fired bullet hit both the car and Jones.
     "It could have been worse. The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," California Highway Patrol press liason Tammy Rye said. 
     Jones does not have a permit for her gun and she also has an expired license plate.
     “Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun,” Rye said.
     Jones’s Pomeranian had cigarette burns on his forehead.

     “It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops,” Animal control officer Janet Ngo said.


Monday morning at 8:12 am PDT, an earthquake hit San Francisco Bay area. The earthquake struck McHenry's Auto Supply store on Plum Street, and partially collapsed. Civilians have been injured or have died due to the earthquake.
    Firefighters, police, and American Red Cross workers who responded to the building collapse, arrived at the scene. Some of the injured required hospitalization, and critical help.
     Two civilians have been found dead, and six are injured.
      “Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families,” Hayward Fire Department public information officer Jennifer Vu said.
     The impact of the earthquake was immensely strong. People were shocked by the hit.
     “I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That’s when the screaming start across the street,” Hayward resident Mark Beamer said.
     Out of the injured civilians a few had critical cases.
     "Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital. No other serious injuries have been reported in Hayward," said Vu.
     The magnitude of the epicenter of the earthquake on the Richter scale was 6.4, under Hayward Hills.
     It occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hills,” Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park said.
     To help out with the casualties, many people arrived.
     “Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake,” Vu said.
     The earthquake not only affected many living in Hayward Hills, but also people in neighboring cities.
     "People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake," Gertz said.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

News Values

Afghan 'Sesame Street' Introduces Zari, a Muppet an Role Model for Girls
I believe that this article exhibits Timeliness because in recent events there have been many Islamic extremists who emphasize their views on women's rights. This new addition can help all young girls feel more empowered and spread the message of equality among races and genders.

UT grapples with security worries in wake of slaying
In my opinion this article displays proximity because the closeness of the situation brings awareness amongst Austin residents. The campus is so close to most Austin residents that people want to read about the tragedy and understand all the components of the crime.
"Even as University of Texas administrators sought to calm an anxious campus after the death of Haruka Weiser, officials continue to grapple with a fundamental issue: striking a balance between the safety of a public university and public access to it."


New Evidence on When Bible Was Written: Ancient Shopping Lists

The discovery of the new Bible text is prominent in the Christian community and among history fanatics. It is very rare to find things like this, so the article will spark the interest of many who live all around the world and are in some way connected to the Bible.

Bangladesh Activist is Killed After Criticizing Militants 
 This article connects with reason number four, which is impact. The article is about a man who voiced his opinions and was punished for doing so. This impacts the audience and community because it creates fear, so that others will not go voice their perspectives.
Bangladesh Activist Is Killed After Criticizing Militants


A Murder Taps Into Germany’s Conflicted Relations With Migrants                                                       

The recent murder in Germany along with the terrorist attacks make conflicts with immigrants a bigger deal. The conflict present in this article is between the Germans and the Migrants, some of whom are becoming a bigger and bigger threat to societies. The conflict between the two is physical and ends up having emotional conflicts are a result of the physical. 

Human Interest

Marine’s Death Shows a Quietly Expanding U.S. Role in Iraq

This article relates to human interest because lately there have been many terrorists attacks from the Middle East, so people are more prone to learn about this part of the world. The struggle and tensions that people in Iraq face will interest readers.


Powerful Earthquake Strikes Pakistan, India and Afghanistan

A novelty is represented in this article because it is unusual for the South-East and Middle-East to get an earthquake. While it may have happened in the past, this disaster is not common. The casualties will interest the public because these counties are Third World and therefore will not have the best resources to help them recover.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Nut Graf

         A Nut Graf is a slang word used by editors of magazines and newspapers. It is a a summary of the main idea of the story in a sentence or few sentences. A Nut Graf may help the reader understand the context of the story and the importance. After being edited, the word may be written on your story or you ma hear the word, but it will never be in a sentence in an article.

         The Nut Graf must include the significance elf the story and why the reader should read it, as well as if the story is about a high- profile celebrity or someone previously mentioned. The Nut Graf is different for every story, but the purpose is always the same.

Student of the Month Story

Who- Magnus Gunderson
What- He won the student of the month title.
When- the month of April
Where-James Bowie High School
Why- He excelled academically and in extracurriculars, in comparison to his peers/fellow applicants.
How- He was nominated by a teacher to be eligible to apply for the title. He then wrote essays, short answers, sent in teacher references, and completed an interview.

       James Bowie High School has received its newest recipient of the "Student of the Month" title for the month of April. The winner is Magnus Gunderson, a freshman at the school.

       Recognizing his achievements, Gunderson's biology teacher, Mr. Adam Richter nominated him. Following the nomination Gunderson submitted an essay, references, and completed an interview. He won due to his involvement in school activities, and good grades.

       "Magus was chosen as the "Student of the Month" due to his stellar accomplishments in in academics and school involvement," assistant Principal Stephen Kane said.

       Gunderson's biology teacher, Adam Richter, submitted a nomination for Gunderson.

       "Magus is such a good kid, and always strives to do his best in biology, he definitely deserves this award," biology teacher Adam Richter said.

       Gunderson participates in many extra curricular activities, making him well known around the campus.

       "I'm part of GSA, Gay Straight Association, and band. I play percussion in band. I hardly have any free time, I'm constantly involved in activities, " Gunderson said. 

       The administrators at the school agree that the title was well-deserved. 

       "We didn't plan on giving the award to a freshman, but his application stunned all the judges, " Kane said. 

       Gunderson is a student who always gives his best effort and stands out amongst his peers in the eyes of his teachers. 

       "Out of most of my students, Magnus is the most involved in school activities, yet he also produces the highest quality of work. It's quite astonishing, " Richter said. 

       Among all the busy activities and schoolwork, Gunderson manages to keep a focused and determined mindset by combining his passions and talents. 

       "My passions are art, music, and animals. They help me stay calm and express myself, " Gunderson said.

       Gunderson is enjoying this title, but realizes the effect it can have on this status.

       "The title makes me feel good about myself, but I'm glad that it's only "Student of the Month" because it relieved me of too much pressure. Some people think I am a teachers pet, and that I am a goody-goody. Others get jealous and are rude to me, " Gunderson said.