Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot

1. I tried to follow the rule of lines in this image as well as rule of thirds. I think i was able to successfully capture both because there are many lines in the window as well as the with the walls surrounding the girl. Rule of thirds is fulfilled because the girl is off center in more of the first third of the image vertically.
2. The subject is the girl who is drawing on the canvas board with the pen in her hand, listening to music.
3. Yes the subject is clear, because the girl is the main focus of the image and is in the foreground.
4. I think the subject is clear.

1. I tried to follow the rule of thirds mainly, as well as lines because of the solid black and vibrant red columns. The girl is in the far third of the image so the rule was complete and the lines were create by the columns, vertically and horizontal lines were created by the lights on the ceiling.
2. The subject is the girl in the grey shirt who is drawing in the background of the image.
3. I believe that the subject is clear, but since she is in the background it may be hard to realize this.
4.To make the subject more clear I could have taken the image from a different angle to that the girl was in the foreground, not the background.

1. I attempted to follow the rule of thirds in the image because the girl in first vertical third of the image.
2. The subject of the image in the girl sitting in the chair, erasing part of her drawing.
3. The subject is very clear because she is in the foreground and takes up most of the space in the image.
4. The subject could be placed a little bit farther because there isn't a distraction in the frame that would change the subject of the photo.

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