Monday, October 19, 2015

The Great Black and White Photographer Part 3

1. I really love William Klein's photographs because of the focus he puts on the subject. The subject is usually humans and his pictures center in on their expression and really the beauty of the person. I enjoy the photos of his where the subject in a more real state versus a fake, posed feeling.

I see a women standing, waiting for someone to give her a ride. She's patient, but is starting to get tired because no one is willing to give her a ride. I see a man in the back looking back at the women feeling bad about not helping her.
I smell the aroma of the cool fall breeze. A cool crisp wind mixed with a wood-like scent. I also smell the exhaust from the scooters the men passing by were driving. The smokey smell isn't pleasing.
I hear the sound of traffic beginning to start up ahead. The sound of the scooters and cars driving by. not helping out the women. I also hear the sound of the wind howling.
I taste the fumes of the exhaust in my mouth. It leaves a lasting taste that makes me hold my breath so I don't inhale anymore. The taste gives me a gassy, unpleasant feeling that makes me almost gag.
I felt that a story is beginning to be told through this image. There can be so many possibilities of the back story of the subject and why she is stand there looking off in the distance. I felt like the photographer really gave the audience the choice to define the image with their own imagination.

I see a girl with defined features. I see how beautiful the subject is and how defined her features are. I see the dark makeup on her eyes making her eyes seem black.
I smell the flakiness of the subject's makeup. I also smell the sweet fragrance of her perfume and how delicate it is. The smell defines her job of a model and unifies her with other models, as the smell similar.
I hear flash of the camera and the voice of those around her, unseen, directing her pose. I hear the rustle and bustle of the the makeup artists and costume designers ready to change her costume and makeup for the next shoot. I hear the voice of the model asking about the outcome of the photos.
I taste toxins in the air from hairspray to makeup. The taste overwhelms me and I can't seem to escape it. Between the photos the hairspray and powder is reapplied and the  room is once again consume by the same taste.
I felt amazing by the beauty of the photography as well as the model. William Klein manages to catch the beauty of the model's facial structure in the picture in what seems like a normal position. As the photographer: I feel the warmth of the camera lights. The warmth also comes from the amount of people in the small room , that aren't seen but are there.

3. I would like to create a poster with some of my favorite photos by William Klein to showcase his amazing talent. I feel this would be the best way that people will be able to appreciate his work because anyone and everyone in school could see the poster. 

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