Thursday, October 29, 2015

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I am amazed by Nick Brandt's work. I think that it's crazy how close he gets to his subjects and how natural and real his photographs look. The impact of his photos is very strong because he doesn't use a telephoto lens to give the illusion that the photographer was a lot closer to the animal, so the picture feels more real. I am shocked at how good his photos turned out because if I was put in front of a lion and told to take a photo I would probably be scared out of my mind. 


3. This photo is my favorite because I love the way the elephants are in a line. They seem so mature and firm-minded in their expression, the image is very impactful. I also like the black and white and how the elephants looks so focused and determined, the photographer was able to capture a very natural expression.

4. I see the rule of lines portrayed in this image very well. There isn't a straight line, but I do see a pathway formed by the elephants that lures the eyes of the viewer deeper into the image. The line of elephants visible to the eye seems almost never-ending. This is essentially the purpose of the rule of lines, to draw the eyes deeper into the image, so that is why I believe this rule is emphasized in the image.

5. Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 67II with two fixes lens, no telephoto or zoom lenses. This is important because his camera and lens are what contribute to the unique effect of this pictures.

6. His reason for taking these photos is to show the animals in their state of "Being", their natural state before they cease to exist.

7. He hopes to show people that animals and humans are equals and that everyone has the equal right to live.

8.  "Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the last places on the planet where one can still view multiple species en masse in the wild. Not that I am necessarily going to photograph them any more. I may be photographing their absence, but this place just moves me on a fundamental, visceral level."
-Nate Brandt

1. I would like o visit the Six Flags in New Orleans. I want to visit the park because it seems really interesting and because I have been the Six Flags in Texas so many times, it would be cool to see what an abandoned one would look like. Also the park is being consumed by a swamp so the scene would be very unique and different than any other abandoned theme park. I also like many of the elements of the park, like the "Main Street" or "French Quarter" that they have in the park. It looks like it would have been part of an old town, it sort of adds an antique feeling to the park which I like.


  • A haunted house
  • an abandoned school
  • national parks that have been deserted
  • cemeteries
  • abandoned allies 

5. I think that a decaying abandoned school would be an interesting site to investigate and take pictures of. I think this because there are so many different things to take a picture of at school. There are offices, classrooms, theaters, cafeterias, bathrooms, and musical interments that can make for a creepy and unusual subjects. Another reason I would like to visit this place is because there is probably graffiti on the walls that can create a cool image. I would expect to take pictures of destroyed desks and decaying walls.

6. I don't think that I would have a lot of travel expenses to go to an abandoned school because there are probably a few in Texas. I do however believe that I would need to get government permission or permission from the former school district because I wouldn't want to go to jail for trespassing. As far as equipment goes I would need to have a camera, different lens, and a tripod to capture the best images from different angles and take crisp photos.

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